Breath O’ Pine is made from a concentration of pine oil and other ingredients. Pine oil is derived synthetically and from the steam distillation of pine bark and needles.

Pine oil is found in numerous household products and is recognized for its power to cut dirt and grease, natural insect repellent properties and its ability to act as a limited disinfectant against gram-negative household germs.

Since its launch 60 years ago, more than 75 million bottles of Breath O’ Pine have been sold.

If the 75 million bottles of Breath O’ Pine sold since the 1940s were laid end-to-end, they would extend 11,837 miles, or long enough to stretch from New York to California nearly four times.

More than 125 million gallons of Breath O' Pine – enough to fill 17,000 tanker trucks –have been used in more than 8 billion applications by American consumers over the past 60 years to clean their kitchens, bathrooms, basements, the laundry and other uses throughout the home.
